Recovery One’s Fall 2023 Ambassador Program Outline

Recovery One
4 min readJul 24, 2023

The Recovery One Foundation plans to launch an Ambassador Program in Fall 2023, aimed at enhancing community engagement and communication, expanding awareness, and providing support for the ongoing recovery of depegged 1Assets.

Program Type: Ambassador

Timeline: Start Fall 2023 (End of Q3)

What is the Recovery One Fdn?
The Recovery One Foundation (R1) is a governance foundation representing $100 million in depegged 1Asset token holders and the Harmony community. Established in September 2022, its focus is on recovering depegged 1Assets and fortifying the Harmony ecosystem through community-driven actions. To learn more visit our Medium articles and Harmony Talk Forum post.

Ambassador Program Overview.

As the recovery efforts enter their second year, the Recovery One Foundation reflects on the past year and commits to strengthening our efforts and supporting the recovery plan through new initiatives. This commitment leads us to introduce the Recovery One Ambassador Program.

We seek 2–3 individuals with a passion for the Harmony ecosystem and community, possessing skills in graphic design, content writing, and marketing within the Web3 space. This program will furnish additional resources to the recovery plan, create new stakeholders in the community, and increase awareness of the ongoing efforts of our recovery partners, thereby providing multifaceted value to the recovery.

Ambassador Program Goals.

  • Enhance Communication: Increase the frequency of communications by establishing a weekly update to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.
  • Boost Engagement: Enhance community engagement through events, forum posts, and other interactive activities within the next year.
  • Promote Participation: Establish new community stakeholders to ensure diverse representation and perspectives. Involve these stakeholders in various decision-making processes and initiatives.
  • Expand Awareness: Generate greater awareness of and broaden the reach of Recovery One Fdn by utilizing various communication channels.
  • Strengthen Outreach: Bolster stakeholder outreach for further Recovery One initiative. This involves connecting with stakeholders through different channels and seeking their active participation.
  • Develop Support Resources: Construct additional support resources for the recovery program, ensuring stakeholders have access to all necessary materials and services.

The Ambassador Role.

  • Skills and Experience Required: Deep understanding of Web3 and decentralization concepts, excellent writing and communication skills, proficiency in social media marketing, strong organizational and time management abilities, and a passion for the Harmony ecosystem.

Expectations of Ambassadors.

  • Content Creation & Event Coordination: Assist in creating engaging content to support the Harmony recovery and the Recovery One Foundation’s initiatives, including blog posts, social media content, and promotional materials. Aid in planning, organizing, and executing impactful events, such as monthly AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions and public outreach initiatives for AAVE recovery efforts.
  • Collaboration & Advocacy: Collaborate with the team for the successful initiation of the new Emissions DAO, working alongside various stakeholders to ensure a smooth launch and operation. Leverage your position as an ambassador to serve as a reliable contact for affected hack victims within the network, providing advice, guidance, and support throughout the Harmony recovery process.
  • Community Engagement & Support: Contribute to wider community engagement through volunteer recruitment for AAVE recovery efforts and other initiatives. Establish yourself as a critical resource within the community, assisting those seeking help with the Harmony recovery process.

Training and Ongoing Supports.

  • Training Program: The Recovery One Foundation will provide comprehensive training to all ambassadors, covering topics such as communication strategies, social media engagement, and an in-depth understanding of the Harmony Recovery process. The training duration will be one month with weekly interactive sessions.
  • Ongoing Support: The Recovery One Foundation is committed to supporting its ambassadors. Regular weekly check-ins via video calls will be conducted, ensuring ambassadors feel connected and supported. In addition, ambassadors will have direct access to the Recovery One Foundation team for any queries or concerns.

Participant’s Benefits of the Program.

  • Enhancing Knowledge and Understanding: Participate directly in the Harmony Recovery plan, offering you a unique and in-depth understanding of the recovery process. This involvement will provide you with valuable insights into the workings of recovery programs and their impact on communities.
  • Building Experience and Skills: Get hands-on experience in Web3 technologies and the emerging decentralized space. This engagement will build your practical skills and provide you with a robust understanding of this dynamic and rapidly evolving field.
  • Expanding Professional Network: Gain recognition and visibility through exposure on the Recovery One Foundation’s website and across our social media channels. This exposure will expand your professional network and open opportunities for collaborations and partnerships.


While the Ambassador role is a volunteer position requiring at least 10 hours per month and does not offer traditional financial compensation, it opens doors to unique opportunities. As an Ambassador, you will gain hands-on experience in Web3 technologies, garner professional recognition, and expand your network within the decentralized space. You’ll be immersed in a dynamic, rapidly evolving field, laying the groundwork for future opportunities.

How to Apply

To apply for the Recovery One Foundation ambassador program, please visit Application Link to complete the application form. The application will require you to answer several questions and upload your resume. Please note that the deadline for applications is August 31, 2023.

Applications will be reviewed starting September 2023 and qualified applicants will be contacted within two weeks to schedule an interview.

We are excited about the possibility of welcoming you to the Recovery One Foundation ambassador program and look forward to receiving your application!



Recovery One

The recovery of depegged assets, and the strengthening of the Harmony ecosystem through community actions.